On top of the world, half way to Alston 29/02/04
Work continues on the Head & Tail shunts at Alston 29/02/04
Work continues on the Head & Tail shunts at Alston 29/02/04
Work continues on the Head & Tail shunts at Alston 29/02/04
Work continues on the Head & Tail shunts at Alston 29/02/04
Coach No 3, Tables back in and varnished, interior almost finished 22/02/04
Coach No 3, End and side top coated ready for varnishing 22/02/04
Tom painting the new seat base supports for a steel coach 22/02/04
Points being constructed on the new sleepers at Alston 22/02/04
Points being constructed on the new sleepers at Alston 22/02/04
Points being constructed on the new sleepers at Alston 22/02/04
A view across from the Engine shed 22/02/04
Alston station in the winter 22/02/04
Helen Kathryn's tubes, all but one replaced 22/02/04
Helen Kathryn's side tank 22/02/04
Thomas Edmondsons chassis 22/02/04
Thomas Edmondsons Boiler and firebox 22/02/04
Helen Kathryn's chassis nearing completion 15/02/04
Norman busy with Helen Kathryn's motion 15/02/04
New signal post takes shape in the head shunt at Alston 15/02/04
The Brake van receives its first top coat 15/02/04
Andrew painting the new seat support battens for the new seat bases in the steel coach 15/02/04
Steel bodied coach being glossed and is now nearly finished inside 15/02/04
Coach No3 Buffet conversion now almost finished inside 15/02/04
Brake vans undercoat nearing completion 08/02/04
Snow stops play again! 08/02/04
Trench dug for the water feed pipes 08/02/04
Alston staition on a cold winters day 08/02/04
Buffet coach No3 Painting is progressing well 01/02/04
Brake van being under coated 01/02/04
Steel bodied coach being glossed 01/02/04
Steel bodied coach, rubbed down ready for painting 01/02/04
Track laying in Alston station 01/02/04
Laying ballast in the head and tail shunt at Alston station 01/02/04
Relaying the track in Alston station 25/01/04
Starting to relay the track 25/01/04
Prepairing the brake van for repainting 18/01/04
Snow stops track work! 17/01/04
Snow stops track work! 17/01/04
Alston signal box 17/01/04
One of the steel coaches being refurbished 08/01/04
Joinery Work in No3 nearly finished 11/01/04
Counter and shelfs in 08/01/04
Starting work on the new buffet in coach No3 05/01/04